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THE DEBATE JOKE: How the Presidential Debate became a baseless joke.

TAKE A RIDE . . . with Fearless Floyd on an adventure into the Presidential Debate becomming a basel ...View More

Presidential Debates 2024 - Will It Happen?

Are the Presidential Debates going to happen in 2024 because some people are saying that Joe Biden w ...View More

The moment at the presidential debate Everyone will be talking about

The candidates were seated at a table with Quijano. The debate consisted of nine segments, each 10 m ...View More

Presidential debate Donald Trump vs Joe Biden funny????????

The presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Cleveland Ohio was a good one as the t ...View More

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden presidential debate funny

The presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Cleveland Ohio was a good one as the t ...View More

The presidential debate Donald trump and joe Biden funny

The 2020 presidential debate where it's Joe Biden and Donald Trump debating in Cleveland before the  ...View More

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